Issue Position: Education, Housing, and Healthcare

Issue Position


We lay a strong foundation for a thriving economy when we provide a great education for every American--regardless of age, income, or background. Keith believes that we must support children, families, teachers, and communities in the development of high quality educational opportunities. He has stood up for quality Head Start programs and written legislation to stop hunger in our schools by expanding access to the federal school lunch program.

To address the skyrocketing cost of higher education, Keith helped overhaul our federal student loan system by supporting the College Cost Reduction and Access Act. The law expands educational opportunities by strengthening the Pell Grant program and investing in community colleges. It will end government subsidies given to private financial institutions, which will make more money directly available to students so they can pursue a world-class education.


Keith has been a leading voice for safe and affordable housing for low-income Americans. He has worked closely with Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan to write legislation that would reverse the decay of public housing, ensuring that our most vulnerable citizens--our seniors, disabled, and low-income Americans--can keep a roof over their heads.

The foreclosure crisis caused by Wall Street greed has hurt Americans from all walks of life--especially low-income Americans and renters. Keith is committed to making sure homeowners can stay in their homes. He has secured millions to rebuild neighborhoods affected by the foreclosure crisis and supported policies that protect families' access to affordable mortgages.

To protect renters, Keith authored the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2009 which became law under the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009. As a result, families around the country no longer confront the immediate loss of their home when their landlord faces foreclosure.

Based on his tireless work to advance affordable housing, Keith received the 2010 Edward W. Brooke III Housing Leadership Award from the National Low Income Housing Council.

Health Care

Access to quality, affordable health care is critical to our economy and our families' well being.

Keith and his Democratic colleagues in Congress passed the Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010. The historic reform expands access to affordable care and establishes patient protections--because no one should ever go broke because they get sick.

The Affordable Care Act closes the "donut hole" that saddled seniors with expensive drug costs, allows young adults to stay on their parents' plan until their 26th birthday, and bans insurance companies from denying care based on pre-existing conditions.

The bill reduces the deficit and provides tax credits to small businesses so they can purchase coverage for their employees.
