Issue Position: Community

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Ryan has proven that he represents the people of our communities by always working to protect and improve our quality of life.

Town Hall Meetings and Community Forums
Ryan has held numerous tele-town hall meetings to make it more convenient for residents to voice their ideas and concerns while finding out more about what is happening in Harrisburg. He has also held several specialized community forums to help local seniors, veterans, businesses, job seekers and more.

Listening to Our Ideas
Ryan established an Education Advisory Board to gain insight from local administrators, teachers and parents on what will help make our schools stronger. He also established a Citizens Advisory Board and has met with local business owners, community leaders and local elected officials to hear their ideas and concerns.

Helping Local Residents
Ryan and his staff have helped thousands of local residents deal with state-related issues or solve state-related problems.
