Issue Position: Second Amendment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Guns

As a proud Air Force Veteran, a member of the Air National Guard and an American Citizen, Richie believes in the right of the people to keep and bear arms. This is one of the main safeguards our founding fathers gave us against violations of liberty. Richie also believes that it is a crucial component of maintaining law and order. We must defend the Second Amendment just as vigorously as we defend the rest of the United States Constitution. South Carolina must halt the unconstitutional practice of restricting a person's ability to purchase, transport, store or possess arms on public lands or on that individual's private property under the guise of regulating interstate commerce.
As a member of the House, Richie will fight for the rights of all gun owners, collectors, hunters and all qualified gun dealers and will never compromise on this sacred right.
