Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

We are truly fortunate to live in Hawaii. We are surrounded by natural beauty and bountiful resources. Our environment provides ample and under-utilized opportunities for sustainable agriculture and renewable energy sources. Future generations deserve to enjoy the same Hawaii that we do without the burden of oil costs to ship food from outside the State and to power their daily lives.

I will work for:

*Incentives for local farmers to expand current agricultural businesses and attract new investment to ensure that more local produce and other food products are available in Hawaii's stores.
*Research and expansion of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydrogen, and hydroelectric power to decrease Hawaii's dependence on oil and other fossil fuels fromoutside the State
*Smart community growth that ensures that essential services are retained
*Balanced development that includes infrastructure improvements in traffic, sewer, green spaces, and neighborhood schools
*Conservation of park and preservation areas
