Issue Position: Honoring our Veterans

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Veterans

I cannot express how much I admire the courage and selflessness of those Americans who have volunteered to serve in our nation's armed forces to protect their fellow citizens at home. It is a personal mission of mine to ensure that no veteran or active service member in the 24th District ever feels that his or her personal sacrifices on our behalf are unappreciated. They are personal heroes of mine and heroes to our community at large, and I will continue to do everything I can to make sure that the veterans and active service members of the 24th District know how much we appreciate them.

On behalf of veterans and active service members, I have:

Sponsored legislation to welcome all returning veterans back home by giving them assistance in obtaining family-wage jobs in our local communities.
Spearheaded the creation of "The Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm Memorial Highway" in Clallam County.
