Issue Position: Honest Government

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Judicial Branch

When I first ran for office, I promised to work to improve the integrity of Wisconsin elections. As Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Elections & Campaign Reform, I have a responsibility to work to uphold Wisconsin's legacy of good government and honest elections. Last fall, my committee held several hearings around the state, including one in Eau Claire, to listen to Wisconsin citizens about the importance of clean elections.

Assembly Democrats passed a new policy that prohibited members for soliciting and accepting campaign contributions during budget negotiations.

I authored the Wisconsin Voter Protection Act to improve the efficiency and accuracy of Wisconsin elections. The bill streamlines absentee voting and utilizes secure technology to make Wisconsin a leader in voter registration.

I coauthored legislation to clean up Supreme Court elections by providing public financing to curb the influence of special interest groups. I steered the Impartial Justice Bill through committee and helped get it signed into law.

Another important part of campaign finance reform is addressing the problem of outside interest groups that run their own shadow campaigns. Any groups that places ads during campaigns should be mandated to report every individual donation they collected to raise the funds to pay for their ads. That is not currently the case, and we never know who really is endorsing the ads that often are misleading and usually maligning of the candidates' character and stands on issues. It only makes sense that if you say it, you should be willing to have your name on it if you really believe it to be true. I coauthored, and steered through committee, legislation that would require third parties to disclose their contributions for their "issue" ads.

I will continue to work to defend Wisconsin's record of open, honest government.
