Issue Position: Stem Cell Research

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Michigan is one of five states which ban the creation of stem cell lines using excess embryos from fertility treatments. This type of research is necessary to find cures for illnesses such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes, and others. Many researchers have left this state because of the ban, and many bioscience companies have not located here because a critical component of their research is not allowed here. Undoubtedly, the ban on federal funds for this type of research will be lifted with a new president, and federal money for embryonic stem cell research will go to 45 states, and Michigan will not be one of them.

As your state representative I will:

Lift the ban on embryonic stem cell research in this state

Strengthen bans on reproductive cloning

Support state funding of embryonic stem cell research
