Branstad, Reynolds Volunteer to Pay 20% of Own Healthcare Costs

Press Release

Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Reynolds today announced that they both will pay 20% of their healthcare costs beginning August 1, 2012.

"Hard-working Iowa taxpayers are accustomed to paying for some or all of their own healthcare costs, and for far too long, their tax dollars have also paid for the total cost of state employees' healthcare," said Branstad. "I truly believe the only way we will begin improving our health as a state and controlling the rising costs of healthcare is by empowering Iowans to take ownership of their own health."

Gov. Branstad signed Executive Order 78 today to allow state employees to voluntarily pay for 20% of their own healthcare. Branstad individually asked all state-wide elected officials and department heads to volunteer as well.

The governor worked with the health plan administrator and Department of Administrative Services to make this healthcare option available to all state employees.

"Our decision to begin paying 20%, and to allow employees to have an opportunity to also contribute, will accomplish both goals of making employees healthier and allow for government to spend less," said Reynolds.

A single person, whom chooses to pay for 20% of their own healthcare on the least expensive plan will save taxpayers at least $1,000.
