Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

The economic collapse that has occurred warrants reconsideration and modifications of our current Power and Energy Measure called I-937. The next step of I-937 is going to cause a serious increase to our power bills and will have a very negative impact on several large high tech companies in our community. These companies are approaching electrical bills of over a million dollars each month. This group employs about 3000 people in Clark County, at good paying jobs, that may have to make adjustments to their payroll to compensate for their utility expenses.

What can be done--

1--Recognizing a portion of hydro as renewable would solve this next step of I-937, save jobs and protect the environment.

2--Remove the requirement to buy before we need power. We currently have ample power for many years and we should not be required to add expensive renewable power before we need it.

3--Make conservation a source of renewable energy.

We can protect our power needs and energy resources without affecting jobs in Washington.
