Issue Position: Constituent Services

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

One of the most important parts of legislative office is ensuring constituent concerns are answered. Every effort must be put forth to ensure this service is rendered in the most efficient and aggressive manner possible. If you call or write my office with a concern or a question, I will do my best to get you an answer. As I served in the House of Delegates, I was contacted with hundreds of requests, and I have learned to improve and build upon this experience to ensure accurate and timely responses. By far, the vast majority of these calls came from residents here in the Northern Panhandle who had an issue with one of the many bureaucracies in our state government. Many times, these government agencies simply lost a file, or misplaced information. Sometimes cases were placed on the "back burner", or ignored out of laziness. Often times, I had to call the commissioner or secretary of the department in question and "push" them in the right direction. Sometimes this involved a live "sit-down" meeting between my constituent and the head of the office under question. My position is that as long as these bureaucracies exist, they need to DO THEIR JOB. Bureaucrats and state agencies must be held accountable to the taxpayers and residents they are supposed to serve. I may not always have an answer, but I can always get you one. Sometimes you may not like the answer, but I will always try to ensure that your question or case is resolved.
