Plummer Pledges to Fight Washington's War on Energy

Press Release

Date: May 21, 2012

In response to President Obama's failure to include coal as part of his all-of-the-above energy policy, Illinois 12th Congressional District Candidate and Businessman Jason Plummer pledges to take on Washington legislators and bureaucrats who refuse to invest in the fossil fuel.

"The Democrats' actions do not meet their rhetoric when it comes to their so-called "all-of-the-above" energy plans," Plummer said. "There is a serious problem when they continue to invest in forms of alternative energy that are currently unsustainable and neglect an affordable resource that is abundant across the country."

Illinois' 12th Congressional District houses several active coal mines and coal-fueled electric power plants, which maintain quality jobs for the residents' of the district. However, Democrats and bureaucrats in Washington are unleashing regulations that would jeopardize the jobs of those employed by the coal-industry.

In addition to the President's failure to include coal as part of his energy plan, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced new regulations that would require new coal plants to install new technology that is not commercially available. Representatives from the coal industry estimate that these regulations may force the closure of many of coal-fired plants in America because of new rules. (Juliet Eilperin, "EPA Imposes First Greenhouse Gas Limits on Power Plants," The Washington Post, 3/27/2012)

"Unelected Washington bureaucrats continue to pass regulations on the coal industry that will do nothing but cost hard-working coal miners and many others their jobs," Plummer said. "My opponent has remained silent on this issue, which greatly affects the livelihood of the 12th District residents. It's unclear whether he stands with the Obama Administration's EPA bureaucrats or the his constituents."
