Issue Position: Marriage Equality

Issue Position

"Being able to marry the person you love and being part of a family is a basic right that everyone should have. This principle of equality and fairness is something that America should embrace." -- Susan Bysiewicz

Ending Discrimination
Ensuring civil rights for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, and Transgendered individuals is the next step that the United States must take to create a society where all citizens are treated equal. As a member of the Senate Susan will work to enact legislation that provides protections in the work place and allows people to marry whoever they choose.

Enacting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) would prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Only fifteen states protect against both sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination while six states provide protections protect against sexual orientation only.

People have a right to be judged by their work quality not by their orientation. By passing ENDA our country will ensure that non-work and unrelated factors are not used against individuals.

Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act
An important way to bring greater equality and ensure civil rights for every American is to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). DOMA codifies in federal law the discriminatory practice of limiting the rights of marriage to straight couples.

In Connecticut same sex couples are allowed to enter into a civil marriage. However, they are still prohibited from filing joint federal income taxes and claiming deductions, receiving spousal benefits through Social Security, taking unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act when a loved one falls seriously ill, or obtaining the protections of the estate tax when a spouse passes and wants to leave their possessions to another.

This is fundamentally unfair and the discrimination that is so blatant in our law must be repealed.

These are rights that the federal government has no business restricting. Loving whoever you choose and starting a family are basic rights. The benefits awarded to individuals who choose to start a life together can be recognized through civil marriages.
