Issue Position: Openness and Transparency

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

"Unfortunately, far too often the business of government is done behind closed doors, blocked from the public eye. Decisions that result from backroom deals don't serve the public interest. We need open, accountable leadership and that's what I will always fight for in the U.S. Senate." -Susan Bysiewicz

A Record of Accomplishment on Transparency

Fought for campaign finance reform: Susan was proud to work with Connecticut legislators to pass historic campaign finance reform that created public financing for state elections to reduce the corporate and special-interest influence in Connecticut's electoral process.

Passed tough ethics reform: Susan won passage of a law to prevent public officials convicted of corruption while in office from collecting state pensions. She stopped state officials from personally profiting from state contracts, banned lobbyists from giving gifts to legislators, and banned lobbyists from giving to state political campaigns.

Opened the electoral process: Susan fought for and won passage of a law that would open the primary system to allow candidates greater access to the ballot.

Susan's Plan to Promote Open and Transparent Government

Hold regular office hours: Susan will hold regular office hours around the state. She will visit every town as actively as she did as Secretary of the State so that she can hear directly from the people she represents.

End corporate influence on elections: Susan will fight against the influence corporate special interests have had on elections in the wake of the Citizens United decision. She will push to pass a federal law for public campaign financing based on the Connecticut state law.

Make federal funding requests transparent: Susan believes all Americans have a right to know about every earmark request. If everyone can easily see who and what their lawmakers are requesting taxpayer money for, we can keep elected officials honest, end the days of pay for play and reduce wasteful spending.
