Griffin Welcomes Support of U.S. Chamber of Commerce for "Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act'


Date: Feb. 28, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tim Griffin (AR-02) issued the following statement after the U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsed the Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act (H.R. 4078):

"I am honored to have the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's support for my bill, the Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act. The Chamber represents more than three million businesses and organizations across the nation -- including many in the Second District of Arkansas. Reasonable government regulations are important to ensure the health and safety of our communities, but job creators know all too well how this Administration's excessive and overly burdensome regulations are hurting our economy. My bill will allow the government to continue to provide for public safety while freezing the Administration's tendency to over-regulate America's job creators and kill jobs."
