Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 9, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CARNEY. Madam Chair, I rise to recognize the importance of rail security in the effort to access, prepare for, and neutralize terrorist threats to our critical infrastructure. While roughly 1.7 million passengers ride in domestic and international air flights daily, every weekday 34 million Americans ride on trains and transit systems.

We have seen the tragic consequences of attacks to rail and subway systems in Britain, Spain, and India. We know al Qaeda was looking to target American rail systems this year. An attack on our rail system here in the United States would simply be devastating.

Earlier this year, the House adopted an amendment I offered to the fiscal year 2011 Intelligence Authorization Act. There was broad bipartisan support for making rail security an intelligence priority. I continue to believe we must address the security vulnerabilities in our rail and transit systems. Our intelligence community does great work to coordinate with those who own and operate trains and rail lines. In particular, the Office of Intelligence Analysis within the Department of Homeland Security develops a threat assessment for critical infrastructure.

My amendment is a simple amendment. It affirms the importance of assessments and information sharing conducted by intelligence analysts. It expresses the sense of Congress that the intelligence community must continue to prioritize rail security in identifying and preventing terrorist threats.

As a near daily rider of Amtrak myself, I want to know that the United States Government is doing all it can to keep my fellow passengers and rail passengers across the country safe. I urge my colleagues to support this amendment. I thank you for your consideration.

I reserve the balance of my time.

