Weprin Promises to Fight Cuts to Medicare and Social Security at Meet & Greets with Howard Beach, Ridgewood Seniors

Press Release

Date: Aug. 9, 2011
Location: Queens, NY

David Weprin, candidate for Congress in New York's Ninth Congressional District, met with seniors at the Howard Beach Senior Center and the Peter Cardella Senior Civic Center in Ridgewood today. During a question and-answer session with residents, Weprin discussed his opposition to the Republican plan to end Medicare and pledged to fight any effort to privatize Social Security.


"It's outrageous that Congressional Republicans are choosing to balance the federal budget on the backs of seniors while protecting tax breaks for billionaires and Big Oil," said Weprin. "I'll fight tooth and nail against the Republican plan to end Medicare as we know it."

David Weprin supports a balanced approach to deficit reduction that protects critical services and reforms the tax code. During his tenure on the City Council, he served as chair of the Finance Committee, where he led the effort to balance the budget eight times on time without cutting any vital programs, like Medicare. As a member of the New York State Assembly, Weprin supported a millionaire's tax. In Congress he will work to end the Bush tax cuts so we have the resources we need to strengthen Medicare and Social Security for this generation and the next.

Weprin stands in stark contrast to his opponent Bob Turner, who says he admires the Republican leaders in Washington leading the effort to end Medicare as we know it.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the plan Turner's heroes support would cost seniors an extra $6,400 per year in health insurance premiums. Turner also supports re-opening the prescription drug doughnut hole and eliminating Medicare coverage for cancer screenings and other important preventive care.
