Congressman Jeff Landry Responds to President's National Oil Spill Commission Final Report: Conducts Meeting with Industry and Government Leaders

Press Release

Date: Jan. 12, 2011
Issues: Environment

At this hour, U.S. Rep. Jeff Landry (Republican, New Iberia) is conducting a high-level meeting with state government and energy industry leaders to get the hard-working people of South Louisiana back to work. This meeting is in response to yesterday's Oil Spill Commission Report release.

"The oil spill was a tragic event that resulted in the loss of 11 lives. Congress must ensure that the safety of our workers and our environment remain the industry's top priority. However, if we do not end the Obama Administration's anti-drilling policy, we won't have an energy industry in South Louisiana."

Rep. Landry arranged the meeting with U.S. House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Secretary Scott Angelle, oil and gas drillers, and members of the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee to discuss the report findings, the de facto moratorium in shallow and deep water, and BOEMRE regulations.

Rep. Landry, a co-sponsor of Congressman Steve Scalise's H.R. 56, welcomed the Commission's recommendation of setting aside 80 percent of Clean Water Act penalties to directly rebuild the Gulf Coast ecosystem, but adamantly rejected the recommendations of new government regulations and limits on drilling.

"Congress should not create another regulatory agency. More regulation will only give jobs to government bureaucrats while crippling job creation, increasing our deficit, and making us more reliable on foreign oil. Instead, we must work to promote environmental sustainability and economic growth."
