Issue Position: Economic Development

Issue Position

Bill will work from Annapolis to empower innovative business development. What does that mean for working people? It means more support for entrepreneurs, more local jobs, and an expanded tax base for the district.

As a Maryland State Senator, Bill will work to:

* Establish a framework for providing high-speed internet access to all areas of the State (hard-wired high-speed fiber optic infrastructure or through wi-fi initiative) to promote web-based business startups.
* Leverage programs like Civic Works and B'More Green to bolster green job training (or retraining) centers throughout Maryland. Promote corporate income tax credits to encourage business creation in the green industry -- manufacturing & fabricating solar panels, wind turbine production, installing solar technology, etc.
* Create a system for homeowners and local governments to earn cash for erecting solar or wind systems on their residential or commercial properties.
* Create a publicly operated micro-financing institution to promote small business development. Such a fund would offer lending rates at substantially lower interest rates than private market providers and would invest only in small business development or expansion.
* Centralize investment in businesses that leverage technologies in life sciences, electric vehicle development, cyber-security efforts, and clean energy generation.
