Issue Position: Business & Technology

Issue Position

* Committed to improving the business landscape in Massachusetts to encourage Life Science and other cutting edge companies to site and expand facilities here, while supporting increased training to qualify residents for these new jobs

* Original sponsor of Law to Promote Stem Cell Research in Massachusetts

* Supported, as Revenue Chair, tax incentives and capital funding for the Life Sciences, boosting start-up firms and helping add jobs in this expanding Massachusetts industry sector

* Supports further initiatives to assist start-ups hiring in Massachusetts to develop new drugs and new technologies that are revolutionizing medicine, recognizing that higher education has a role to play in offering certificate and training programs to align our workforce with this growing industry

* Voted in favor of health care cost containment laws to promote the use of technology and efficiency-saving measures in the health care field

* As Revenue Chair, was instrumental in the passage of landmark legislation to provide tax incentives to studios, producers and filmmakers, which has successfully brought jobs and films to Massachusetts
