David Calls Out Opponent for Empty Jobs Plan

Press Release

Date: Sept. 21, 2010

Democratic Congressional candidate David Whitaker called out his opponent today for failing to offer any ideas on how to create jobs in the Third District.

"I've laid out detailed plans about how I want to get Arkansans back to work, and it's insulting that my opponent is already measuring the curtains in Washington without ever laying out how he's going to help our state," Whitaker said.

Womack has tried to convince voters that he cares about creating jobs, but in reality he has no plans to help small businesses or working families. He has admitted traveling to Washington to rub elbows with Minority Leader John Boehner and discuss his future committee appointments, without ever having been elected.

"The only mentions of jobs on Steve Womack's website are to complain about non-existent tax increases and to advocate for more off-shore drilling - which isn't surprising given his ignorance of the way the oil market works," Whitaker Political Director Will Watson said.

On an interview with FOX 16 last night, Whitaker said, "We've got to find ways and look for new answers to bring jobs that stay in Arkansas."

Whitaker has laid out plans to create jobs in Arkansas that include:

* Lowering corporate tax rates for companies that create jobs that stay here in America
* Simplifying the tax code as part of a broader tax reform initiative
* Offering tax incentives to hire and train workers
* Extending the Bush tax cuts for 98% of Arkansas small business owners
* Reducing uncertainty in the financial markets by strengthening financial reform
* Bolstering education and training to create good jobs that cannot be outsourced
* Investing in new energy solutions and an energy-efficient economy by rewarding companies who come up with innovative ways to produce energy
* Improving and expanding our national infrastructure, including bridges, roads, waterways, and rail lines

Whitaker said that the source of Womack's empty campaign rhetoric is easily explained.

"If we keep sending career politicians to Washington, then we're going to get the same results - failed leadership and bad policy. The people of Arkansas are tired of establishment politicians," Whitaker said.

Whitaker is a first-time office seeker that will serve as an independent voice in Washington for the working families and small business owners of Arkansas.

"I stand for the proposition that you can still send an ordinary person from among your neighborhood, and in your district, to Washington to actually represent you rather than some sort of special interest or the major parties," Whitaker told FOX 16.
