Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

There are two parts to illegal immigration that must be acted upon immediately:

1) Enforcing the Law

2) Border Security

The Law

Illegal immigration is draining the resources of our nation because the provision of our government and expectation on the individuals to whom the provision is being given is out of balance. We are a country proud to welcome those who would come, but immigrants must abide by the laws of the United States. The absolute first step we must take is to enforce our current Federal Laws on illegal immigration. We must support State's rights. The issue of Arizona's current dispute is separate from the immediate need for our government to enforce the laws already in place. If the Federal government was enforcing these laws, Arizona would not be in their present predicament.

Border Security

Securing our borders is a matter of National Security. We must become aware, alert, active, and efficient with all aspects of border security. This means enforcing the security of our borders by whatever means necessary. This also means having a plan of action for what to do when someone overstays their welcome. Successful hospitality requires healthy boundaries. Illegal immigrants must be deported as pursuant to our Federal laws.

*I do not support amnesty.


Hold the Federal Government responsible to enforce the laws the American people have put in place and that the Federal government feels so strongly they have sovereign jurisdiction over. Part of the Federal Government's service to its people is to responsibly allocate our country's resources. Imbalances such as the issue of anchor babies which allows families to circumvent our immigration laws and process, and furthermore go on to receive tax-paid welfare, have to be stopped and immediately. Our Federal Government must enforce our laws now.
