Governor Recognizes Tidal Power Generation Operation in Eastport

Press Release

Date: Aug. 24, 2010
Location: Eastport, ME

Governor John E. Baldacci today celebrated Ocean Renewable Power Company's successful generation of energy through the use of tidal currents in Cobscook Bay. The company is partnering with the University of Maine and the U.S. Coast Guard and has received financial support from the State's Maine Technology Institute and the U.S. Department of Energy.

"Maine is on an aggressive track toward energy independence," said Governor Baldacci. "The ocean energy industry in Maine is already showing tangible results through Ocean Renewable Power Company's work here in Eastport and private investment is occurring, leading the way for other ocean energy projects to follow."

The Governor joined Congressman Michael Michaud, other state, local and federal officials and leadership of Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) to celebrate the operation of the Coast Guard station using power generated by tidal energy. With help of the University of Maine, the Ocean Renewable Power Company plans to monitor the system's impact on the neighboring marine environment and obtain energy generation performance test results.

The Governor said that the tidal project at Eastport is an important component of Maine's efforts to promote clean, renewable power development.

"This is the right choice for the State: decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels by harnessing our natural resources, creating valuable jobs here at home, and preserving our environment and quality of life," said Governor Baldacci. "I established the Ocean Energy Task Force to improve and update Maine laws so that we could realize the potential for harnessing energy from these vast renewable resources. This is really the first wave of ocean energy development and there's more to come. What is happening here in Eastport and Washington County is the real life implementation of the Ocean Energy Task Force."

According to company officials, ORPC is advancing its underwater power systems for grid-connection in 2011.

In July, Governor Baldacci signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter to work cooperatively on renewable ocean electricity generation, focusing on tidal energy and offshore wind energy. The Governor said working with other regional partners is vital to Maine's ability to develop and transmit energy.

The Governor also credited the strong public and private partnerships that are critical to Maine's success in reaching its renewable energy goals.

"With tidal power generated here and by continuing to work on bio-fuels and bio-mass electricity generation, the development of solar, wind and hydropower, and other innovative ways to produce renewable energy, we are on our way to building a sustainable energy future for our State," said the Governor.
