Issue Position: End the Federal Reserve

Issue Position

Ending the Federal Reserve "Central Banking"

"Centralization of credit in the banks of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly."
Karl Marx-Fifth Plank of the Communist Manifesto.

Many of our parents have often said, "Money doesn't grow on trees." Washington D.C. does though, in the form of The Federal Reserve central banking system! For both Democrats and Republicans who are perfectly happy to keep the "printing presses" going and aide and abet "redistribution of wealth." This is nothing new; the hypocritical "do as we say not as we do" two party system has been doing this to us for almost 100 years. We will explain in greater detail in a minute. Our Congress has been selling the futures of our youth and indeed even our grandchildren. The time has come to educate all of us and to eventually put an end to this highly secretive and indeed shadow form of government! There is many an "attacker" who accuses the growing number of citizens in our country that want to end "centralized banking" of being "crazy nut jobs." Once, however you become educated on this problem you too will begin to understand why we must address this issue.
A Message to our Young People

I am not sure where the saying started of "trust no one over thirty" came from, but that needs to be negated here and now! Even though some of you may not know, there are millions of us (over 30) who really are "looking out for you." You really are the future of our Republic. Hopefully you will be patient and read further in regard to the how your futures are being "printed" away and confiscated from you. My dad used to say, that the older he got the wiser he would become in my eyes. How true this has become over the years, I miss my dad, but I still hear his sage advise. You won't like to hear this, but the truth is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "FREE MONEY." All of us pay in some form or fashion. Sadly if we continue on the path of electing representatives only because they are 'telling us what we want to hear' instead of the truth you will pay a very high price for all that "free money." Some questions that you might want to consider about what you would like or maybe already have from your parents. Would you like your parents to be accountable for their actions or lack thereof? Would you like them to be completely transparent and honest with you no matter what? Would you appreciate them giving you the liberty and freedom to become all that you dream of being? Or, would you rather have your parents lack accountability, transparency, be corrupt in their professions; be manipulative or flat out tyrannical with you? Please, think about these questions as we discuss the truth about Washington D.C. and the FED being used to continue on the track of massive debt and BIG government.
Getting to know "The FED"

Congress could abolish the secretive and shadow government known as The Federal Reserve any time it wanted to. Before we go into why it will not any time in the near future, "We the People" need to at least demand that our representatives pass legislation that allows for absolute transparency and a complete accounting of where our TRILLIONS of dollars have gone! Lengthy though the rest of this will be, we will make every effort to give the finer points of how so many of us have been "duped" for so long. I never would have opened a mom and pop shop in late 2006 had Congress told us all the truth of what we were in for, thus my interest in The FED. Make no mistake every single member of Congress knew what we the everyday American was in for. THEY DID NOTHING. We will explain why. To further educate yourselves I highly suggest that you buy a copy of "End the Fed" by Dr. Ron Paul (U.S. Congressman, TX.) Dr. Paul has written in a way that we can all understand. I also suggest that you visit It will boggle your mind!

The Federal Reserve has no oversight, no accountability, and no transparency. It manipulates our money system thus aiding Congress in bribery and corruption in order that they can "buy votes" and have a "redistribution of wealth" system which is taking away our American liberty and freedom along with inching us closer toward a tyrannical form of government. Of course, I believe in its own way Washington already is to some extent. When is the last time you really believed they were listening? What printing of an unlimited money supply also accomplishes is our Congress (both Democrats and Republicans) believing "The sky is the limit!" It is unconscionable that our allegedly educated members of Congress do not understand basic "economics 101." This may sound a bit like "fear tactics" so we will back it up with a few facts, Congress will not be very happy with.
What the Congress actually finances via a "Centralized Banking System"-

1. Foreign Aid- Currently $49 Billion (to the best of our estimates) - When will we start taking care of our own backyard?
2. Subsidies- Close to $54 Billion (to the best of our estimates) In short "subsidies" ARE NOT a part of a true "free enterprise system." Subsidies actually are a part of destroying the "free-market system" by not allowing failure or the natural ebb and flow of a free-market society. Another "real liberty" destroyer.
3. Earmarks (Pork Projects) - In short this is to "buy votes" and develop powerful "voting blocs." Currently $11 BILLION. (nearest estimates) Also to take on responsibilities that should be more "localized" in individual states.
4. Current Bailouts- $11 TRILLION!!- The "bailouts" were NOT $700 BILLION as reported.
5. Wars- There is the debate that without a "centralized banking system" (which other countries also have,) our world would have at least fewer wars. Going to war is very costly. Without the ability to simply roll the printing presses (fiat money) maybe, just maybe a real "Peace through Strength" plan would suffice. (See more under National Security.)

What a "Centralized Banking System" encourages-

1. Incentivizes risky behavior- The Fed has created a form of "financial socialism" which benefits the very rich and very powerful. Basically a "private-public" partnership. "Privatized profits" and "Socialized losses" in other words they get to always have and keep their profits, and if they get into trouble "We the People" absorb the losses. No wonder they like this system!
2. Creates "boom-bust" economies- One of the many things I was taught early on in my fight to come back from the "depths of hell" was to be careful of "pain having no memory," and that "short term gain would always lead to long term pain." This is exactly what happens with "boom-bust" cycles. Only "we" can put an end to this madness, by electing "real people" to Washington. So remember the pain!
3. Corruption and lack of accountability in Congress- "The sky is falling, the sky is falling." That is our Congress! They love to have anything they can label a "CRISIS." (Whether real or imagined, usually imagined.) Washington loves to create a crisis in order to make itself bigger and the bigger Washington gets the more CONTROL this body of narcissists has over us! They enjoy allowing both the FED and the Treasury to "turn on the printing presses as a means to spend TRILLIONS of dollars that are basically produced out of thin air."
4. Erosion of Liberty- The current Congress and administration, and all previous Congress's and administrations have seemingly taken a rather sadistic as well as moronic pleasure in NOT taking the oath of their offices, swearing to uphold our Constitution. I about fell off of my chair with outrage when I heard President George W. Bush say on December 16, 2008, "I have abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system." This was the beginning of more of our Liberty as Americans being stolen from us. "We the People" overwhelmingly did not want the "BAILOUTS" and as usual we were ignored. The "collective gut feelings" of Americans is never wrong.
5. Dismantling our "Free enterprise system."- Congress loves to be the creator of crises and problems so they can claim (with the help of a clearly corrupt media) that they will solve said problem or crisis. This would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic for us who suffer for it. The current catastrophe we are facing is of their own making, make NO mistake about that! They ALL new what was down the road and did NOTHING to warn us! Our current banking system is actually NOT a "free enterprise system." Our banking system is a half "socialized" system propped up by hard working Americans and our current and future tax dollars. Congress loves to "fix what isn't broke." Sadly for us the exact same power players, who are responsible for what we are facing, are the same ones in charge of fixing it. There is also no doubt in many a "critical thinking" mind that there is blatant "market manipulation" going on as well. Though it is nearly impossible to prove with the "shadow form of government" The FED is.
6. Enables The "TOO BIG TO FAIL" mentality- Because The FED is considered "the lender of last resort" thus creating a mentality for the big banks and big corporations that it is okay to become gigantic and practice "risky behavior" at the "working man's/woman's expense we now have a "snowball effect" of the "TOO BIG TO FAILS." They certainly could care less about our little "Main Street Mom & Pops," though. Apparently we do not "grease the palms" of Congress enough through our tax dollars. The FED "guarantees" that the "big players" cannot fail.
7. Selling more and more of our Country to China- Where on earth do so many Americans think we are going to get money to continue funding "socialism" and yes "communism" style programs? The Treasury and the FED ask China and other foreign countries to be our lender. Congress sees this as perfectly acceptable. We currently owe $3 ½ TRILLION (best estimates) to foreign countries, China being the largest debt we owe. We are paying $316 BILLION dollars in interest and currently have a $178 BILLION trade deficit with China.
8. Stealing from the "middle class" aka (the working poor) and "upper middle class" to give to the poor (many of whom could work and choose not to,) the "uber wealthy," the "Unions" (Big Labor,) and every other "special interest" you can dream up in order to help Congress create "voter blocs" and "buy votes." This has also enabled public support for "deficit spending." Many in our country have been "brainwashed" over the years to accept this. While those of us who do not believe in "big government" have been shaking our heads with frustration. Again, I will reiterate taking/stealing from one class of people to give to another is not only "socialism" it is "communism." Those of us who are not the "Uber-Wealthy" or "dirt poor" are being squeezed to death. We simply cannot continue to share the entire burden for our country this way. Can anyone say "Atlas is beginning to Shrug?"

What is our part in all of this?

Either due to physical or economic fears Americans have succumbed to the authoritarians in Washington/ Big Government to take care of us at all costs. (At least some have.) Each time we look to any form of government be it; city, county, state or federal to somehow meet our needs we surrender our Liberty. If you ever talk to a senior citizen who lived through the "Great Depression" they believe our "Me, Me, Me" culture to be flat out WIMPY! Each time we cede more power to Washington in the form of "handouts" we further the agenda of "socialism." (This includes our State Legislatures, which we will write further about.) Each time we give up more of our liberties we are enslaving our future generations. We must stop walking in fear, thus walking with Satan and be bold. We are a Great and Noble Nation and we should NEVER apologize for that! Many of our citizens lived through "The great depression" without welfare, food stamps, unemployment, etc. Although a brutally tough time, they lived through it and so can we. I go back to President John F. Kennedy- "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what YOU can do for your country." Economic Liberty and Personal Liberty are one in the same.
What does our Constitution say about this?

Article (1) Section 10: "No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts."

Article (1) Section 9: No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of ALL PUBLIC money shall be published from time to time. Where is our total accountability and transparency? Let's all have a look at the books!!

Fourteenth Amendment, Section (1): ...nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. (I believe that an argument should be made that when you take from one class of people to give to another, in other words when you take someone's hard earned money to give it to a person who chooses not to work our government is trampling on the "working individual's" rights.)

Tenth Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. (See more at the end on "states rights")
What could a "Common Sense" Congress do?

Ending the Federal Reserve "Central Banking System" will probably not happen instantly and certainly never if we keep playing the "definition of insanity" game, and continue to elect the same representatives over and over again or just because they have an R or D behind their name. What could be a start is legislation that:

1. Denies any further authority to the FED to monetize any debt, shut off the printing presses!
3. A "fearless and thorough" audit of the The FED and Treasury, including how much of our monies have gone to other "central banks." What are our dealings EXACTLY with these foreign banks?
4. )Re-enact Glass-Steagall (See more under do-able economic solutions)
5. No more big banks being able to merge into even bigger banks (often coerced by the Fed and Treasury. No more TOO BIG TO FAILS!
6. We could look at eliminating restrictions on "new bank" start- ups, thereby encouraging the "free enterprise system."
7. Big corporations should be aggressively prosecuted (regardless of how well connected in Washington) for fraud and that includes members of Congress!

What can we do?

1. Start electing people who put "principles and integrity before party affiliation." Stop letting your voice and your vote be bought and paid for. Study the "real" founding of our great nation and you will probably come to the same conclusion many of us have, we were not set up to be a (two party) only system. We desperately need other voices in Washington.
2. Prepare your "plan B" now. We should always have one anyway. Hyperinflation may not come right away, but at the rate we are going, leaving Congress as it currently stands, we will certainly get there. This is not being paranoid, as many of our critics will say; a "plan B" is always just "good common sense."
3. Stop banking with the "Big Banks" who took our money and our children's money and take your business to smaller "Community Banks." It will be safer there. (Of course do your homework to make sure they are indeed solvent.)
4. If you can afford to, start buying gold or silver coins. Again, just "common sense" as unlike our "monopoly money" it is never worthless!
5. Most important educate yourself, then your friends, family and neighbors. Evil does exist when good people do nothing.

A Brief History on the FED

The Federal Reserve/ "Central Bank" was founded in 1913 during what is known as; "The Progressive Era." (Progressive actually equals regressive.) The only thing "progressive" really means is that Washington/Big Government "progressively" gets bigger along with "big banks," "corrupt politicians," and the "uber capitalists" that have gotten us into one big mess after another, while robbing "We the People."

Let us be very clear here though, we were set up from the beginning to be a "free enterprise system" and we need to take that back. What has happened over the decades is that Washington via The Fed enabled a "capitalism run amok" mentality. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and John F. Kennedy to name a few recognized the dangers of a "Central Banking System."

The FED will and its supporters, "Fat Cats" and "Politicians," will claim that the FED serves to stabilize and "regulate" our financial system. The truth is that it does just the opposite by, creating the "boom-bust" cycles we have endured since the day of its inception, and "We the People" have been caught in the middle! Alan Greenspan (former FED chair) was lauded by many. What he actually did was help to create the mess that we are in now by lowering interest rates far below what is realistic (this along with the CRA (Community Re-investment Act) and creating a "false sense of security" for our country is something we will undoubtedly be paying on for many decades to come. In 1966 in Ayn Rand's objectivist newspaper Greenspan wrote an article titled "Gold and Economic Freedom." We will only give two lines of it; "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation." "Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth." My! how his views have changed!! And as for the current FED chair, Ben Bernanke, other than being evasive to the nth degree when questioned by Congressman Ron Paul (TX.) did say something I believe is quite telling; "...Foreigners seem quite interested in acquiring U. S. assets." There you have it! The FED, the Treasury and Washington are perfectly content to run up our country's debt and "sell us to China."

In closing, please read and study all you can find on (ACCURATE HISTORY) both world and American. If we do not stop printing money we could go down the path of the Weimar Republic far easier than you think. Along with Dr. Ron Paul's book, END THE FED, please pick up a copy of "ATLAS SHRUGGED" by AYN RAND. Google search the history of the FED (with the caveat that you look for reliable information. I am always leery of anything Wikipedia puts out.) I don't know if Congressman Paul will ever read our web site, but I would personally like to thank him for his deep passion on this issue and for doing everything he can do to educate us. He really is one of the "good guys" (there are a few to be fair) in Congress looking out for our great Republic and "We the People."
