Issue Position: National Security

Issue Position

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

Thomas Jefferson

United States Constitution Section (8) ...provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

United States Constitution Section (8) declare war, grant letter of Marque and Reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water.

United States Constitution Section (8) to define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas…

Reprisal- definition Webster's dictionary- the use of force, short of war, against another nation to obtain redress of grievances.

Terrorism- definition Webster's dictionary- the use of force and violence to intimidate, subjugate, etc., especially as a political policy. (The intimidation produced in this way is a terrorist.)

Treason- definition Webster's dictionary- betrayal of trust or faith; betrayal of one's country, especially by helping the enemy in a time of war.

Tough Questions We Need To Ask As Americans

(Without Fear)

All of which affect our National Security

Why are we sending our military men and women into combat with one arm tied behind their back? Answer: Political correctness.

Why is it acceptable for Muslims to wear burkas in the workplace and NOT acceptable for Christians to wear our crosses or crucifixes or even a flag lapel pin visibly or even a simple Santa Claus hat? Why is Christmas under assault? Answer: Political correctness.

( At a well known chain restaurant especially here in the South, I have personal experience with this as it was made perfectly clear that we could not wear our crosses on the outside of our uniforms or wear a flag lapel pin.

Why are there no lawyers who will defend the rights of "We the People" but defend the rights of radical Muslims? Answer: Most are "leftists themselves" or out of pure greed they will not help those of us who cannot afford hefty retainers. I have personal experience with this! (Lawyers love Congressman Jim Cooper and adding monies to his campaign coffers!)

Why has Congress been derelict in it's duties to either draw up formal "letters of reprisal" or a real declaration of war against "Islamic Jihadists" in light of 9/11? Answer: Political correctness.

Why has our Congress NEVER declared war when our U.S. Embassies have been attacked, when our U.S. military barracks have been attacked, when the USS Cole was attacked, not too mention the 1993 World Trade Center attack? Answer: Appeasers, dereliction of duty from Congress and political correctness.

Why does Washington D.C. allow lobbyists from foreign countries to control our AMERICAN policy making decisions? Answer: Greed, Power, and Control. They have also forgotten who they actually work for.

Why is Somali piracy not being dealt with? Answer: Congress answers to the UN instead of the U.S. Constitution.

Why are we NOT allowing American oil and gas exploration? Answer: Radical left environmentalists and a Congress who no longer take "pride in America."

Why are we SELLING our Republic to any foreign nation who will buy it? Answer: Congress has no understanding of what the words "balancing the budget" means. And again, greed, power, and control.

Why is REAL "freedom of speech" being taken away from "We the People?" Answer: Political correctness, as well as Washington politicians who are determined to silence "common sense" and shut down our Constitution.

Why do we continue to answer to the United Nations and indeed other countries when we are (at least last time we checked) a sovereign nation? Answer: a.) Many nations are buying our debt. b.) the powers that be want a "one world order." c.) Political correctness.

Why is Washington cutting defense spending? Answer: The need to cut money from something in order to fund their continued efforts toward "the welfare state" in other words SOCIALISM.

Why is Congress going backwards with regard to our intelligence agencies? Answer: Political correctness.

We are a sovereign nation and it is high time "We the People" demanded that our Congress understand that, and begin looking out for our national security, to date they are indeed "derelict in their duties." Iran has been a problem since they attacked our U.S. embassy on November 04, 1979. They have always been at the heart of the "Islamic Jihad" movement; they are the heart and soul of terrorism. And yet Washington has ignored Iran! Washington has been derelict in its duties and in the eyes and in the opinion of many guilty of treason! ANY attack on our soil, on our military in other lands or on the seas, and our U.S. Embassies is AN ACT OF WAR against the United States. Simply put, if Washington had any understanding of our Constitution we would not be in the mess we are currently facing!

We are now considered weak! Our long time enemies are now the equivalent of vultures circling overhead. Russia, China, Venezuela, Al Qaeda, The Taliban, Iran, just to name a few, is now flexing their muscles; and why? Because they no longer view us as the patriotic and forceful nation that fought in World War Two. They see that our Congress can be bought off. They see that the American people are bought off by politicians. Most importantly they see that our once great National economy is weak and has now and continues to be sold off to the highest foreign bidder. They see that "radical environmentalists' have prevented us from exploring and utilizing our own American energy resources. They see how UNIONS have bought off Washington "career politicians," thereby chasing away American manufacturing. They see how many members of Congress currently serving are known socialists and indeed have Marxist views! And indeed they see the American people as a whole as weak of will!

Now let's get something straight, Islam IS NOT a "peaceful" religion!

Sura 8:59 in the Koran says, "The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them." When Muslim jihadists warn us in advance THEY MEAN IT!! That is also what they are required to do according to the Koran. Yet time and again Washington ignores their warnings. The nation of Islam has two main goals; (1) to make all other faiths and (that would include you atheists) to accept Islam or die. (2) To destroy what they consider "public enemy no.1' the United States of America and our American way of life, freedom and liberty. (To those who would contradict these views, we say, that when allegedly "peaceful Muslims' begin to speak out in great numbers will our hearts and minds begin to change.)

A disturbing and little known fact is that our tax payer dollars are actually helping to fund Hamas. This is done indirectly (although our congress is well aware of this) through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), of which Hamas has control over. "UNRWA openly collaborates with Hamas." Its workers double as Hamas combatants. Its refugee camps and schools are used as Hamas training bases and missile launch sites. Its mosques are used as recruiting grounds. And… the UN agency is also willing to act as Hamas's surrogate. (Source; Caroline Glick, deputy managing editor of the Jerusalem Post.) One more question should also be asked; where are the "leftist' women's rights organizations in regard to the way Muslim women and children are treated in this allegedly peaceful religion?


1.) IT IS TIME TO END THESE WARS AND BRING HOME OUR TROOPS! Our founding fathers believed in a strong and well protected homeland, a "peace through strength" as it were. Only when attacked, we would attack in return in defense of our nation, (but then be done with it.) We were not and should not be in the business of nation rebuilding! Nor were we set up to be the police force for the world. Our courageous men and women are losing their lives, suffering permanent physical and mental injury and now we are turning many of them into construction workers. Our founders also believed that the business of another country was none of ours. They also trusted that witnessing a representative republican form of governing and free market principles would encourage other countries to want the same kind of liberty we fought so hard for. Yes, they understood this also would mean those jealous of our nation might want to destroy us thus, "peace through strength."

We are currently pouring billions of dollars into rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan while our own infrastructure is falling apart thus, jeopardizing our own security. We pour even more billions into other forms of foreign aid which end up in the hands of brutal and corrupt forms of government. Haiti is the most recent tragic and horrific example of this. Enabling bad behavior never works! Only when things get really bad enough will the people themselves rise against tyranny, as was done in the birthing of our own Republic. Various Muslim factions have been fighting each other for centuries. WE MUST now stop this madness and begin taking care of our own backyard and the domestic terrorist threats we face.

2.) WE MUST BREAK OUT OF THE VICE GRIP WE ARE IN WITH CHINA! This to me is one of our largest threats not only to our national security but our very sovereignty as a free nation. Communist China owns us! However, this will be largely up to the American public to stop. We can elect a majority of representatives like me and if the American public refuses to wean itself off of cheap chinese made products this will continue. China is already threatening relations with us regarding our foreign policy decisions. This is what happens when we continue to pile up unsustainable debt which other countries purchase. Both republicans and democrats have literally been making sure that our children and grandchildren will be enslaved!

3.) Seek out any and all indirect funding and direct foreign aid to terrorist nations and those that sponsor them and CUT THEM OFF! These monies are ours.

4.) Shut down ALL terrorist web sites at home and abroad using the techniques of computer warfare.

5.) ANY American business doing business either directly or indirectly with a terrorist nation or sponsor of a terrorist nation will face STEEP federal penalties.

6.) IRAN MUST BE DEALT WITH NOW! We had a terrible wasted opportunity in regard to standing with the young Iranian peoples who took to the streets in protest of the last Iranian election. The younger people of Iran do NOT want the current oppressive regime! We must find some way of helping them. A possible military blockade around Iran preventing gasoline from coming into their country. We must choke off their money supply along with harsh sanctions. We DO NOT need the (permission) of anyone else to do this! AGAIN WE ARE A SOVEREIGN NATION LET'S ACT LIKE IT! They have repeatedly declared war on us and continue to by helping Iraqi insurgents, and being the primary sponsor of Hezbollah. This will enable the Iranian people themselves to begin building a democratic republic.

7.) GET OUT OF THE UNITED NATIONS (UN) The American people have realized for years now, and an ever increasing number as well, that the UN is useless and costs we the taxpayer for nothing gained except for disrespect. If anything they are at the root of many of our problems, and many of us are curious as to why our country needs to "ask permission" from them for anything. AGAIN, WE ARE A SOVEREIGN NATION LET'S ACT LIKE IT!

8.) Increase our missile defense technology. (Peace through strength.)

9.) Increasing our own border security. (Please see this under our "legislation for we the people.)Again peace through strength

10.) End "Central Banking." Without the capability to print endless amounts of money our "Peace through strength" strategy will work.

11.) Increase our funding for counterterrorism, and let them do their jobs.

12.) NO newspaper or media outlet should go unpunished for leaking national intelligence methods for fighting our enemies. This is NOT first amendment freedom of the press; it is THE definition of treason.

13.) Allow for our own American energy exploration. (Please see this under our "American energy solutions").

14.) Increase NOT decrease our defense budget. There is no greater responsibility as pointed out at the start, than that of protecting our Republic from "all enemies both foreign and domestic." This budget should include vital space technology also needed to protect our homeland. We are slipping when it comes to "The final frontier."

15.) When our economic liberty is threatened so too is our national security. a.) We must introduce and pass an amendment to our Constitution that requires our federal government to always have a BALANCED BUDGET. Most of our states have this in their Constitutions. b.) Pay down our national debt. (See more under our doable economic solutions.) c.) Bring home American manufacturing. Our excessive taxation, regulation, litigation and poor education along with unreasonable union labor demands has crushed our once great manufacturing sector. We would be far less beholden to the nations that hate us if we will do some of these solutions. d.) A Constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds vote of congress to raise our taxes (either overtly or covertly.) Our Congress has become incredibly sneaky in the ways they hide increasing our taxes. Yet again "taxation without representation."

16.) We must finally deal with the problem of our Supreme Court. It has become apparent that Supreme Court nominees are now just another "political appointee." We should all be appalled by hearing it be told that they are "conservative or liberal." Our Supreme Court Judges, as well as all federal bench judges are supposed to be of one ideology only, CONSTITUTIONALIST! And by the way, the American Constitution, not a world one. Now terrorists have more rights and are entitled to better lawyers than most Americans (legally here.) Now we should demand a Constitutional Amendment which either imposes term limits or a mandatory retirement age. Many of our Justices have simply proven that they have more regard for their personal ideology than they do for our Constitution. THIS INDEED HAS A PROFOUND AFFECT ON OUR NATIONAL SECURITY.

In closing, the idea of a generalization of a "War on Terror" is about as effective as the "War on Drugs" has been. While this may come off as isolationism that could not be farther from the truth. It is simply going "back to the basics" of being the greatest nation ever known in the recorded history of mankind. It is NOT un-patriotic to state fact as we have. We as a nation must understand that this is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue, this is an American issue. Our enemies, especially the nation of Islam, want to DESTROY us. That being said however, part of the problem is the two party system which is broken and corrupt and has forgotten the very oath of office they take, upholding our Constitution.

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace."

George Washington
