Issue Position: Securing America in the 21st Century

Issue Position

America is at a crossroads in our foreign policy. We face a multi-front war on terror, growing international tensions, and a national deficit busting at the seams from off-the-books war budgets. First and foremost, we must responsibly end both wars in the Middle East. To do this, we must identify clear objectives and provide our military leaders with the necessary resources to accomplish them and bring our fighting men and women home with honor. When they return home, we must make sure that our veterans receive the care, support, education, and in many cases, treatment, that they deserve. We must also push for a foreign policy strategy that includes the full array of diplomatic and strategic options that have been ignored during the past decade. The No. 1 step to decrease the threat of terrorism is to decrease our dependence on foreign oil - we must stop sending our money to the very people who bankroll the terrorists.
