Rallying for Wall Street Reform

Press Release

Date: April 28, 2010
Location: Chicago, IL

Today, families and small business owners gathered in the streets of Chicago to rally in support of Wall Street reform. Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias marched in the rally and spoke about the urgent need to overcome obstruction and get reform passed.

Earlier this week, Alexi made the following statement:

I will strongly support legislation that will protect consumers against abuses in mortgages and other loans, establish a council of regulators to watch for risks to the financial system, bring derivatives onto an open market, and prevent another taxpayer-funded bailout of Wall Street firms. The current bills from the Banking and Agriculture committees achieve all of these goals.

And yesteday, Alexi wrote about his own Wall Street reform plan:

Reforming Wall Street and protecting consumers from its abuses is just one aspect of my comprehensive economic plan to create jobs, revamp our economy, and set our nation back on track. This is the type of change we need. And this is the type of change Congressman Kirk can't deliver. Republican Congressman Kirk has taken millions from corporate special interests and then voted their way, time and time again. And what did Wall Street get in return? Congressman Kirk voted to protect taxpayer-funded CEO bonuses almost half a dozen times and has consistently voted against stricter regulation of Wall Street. It's typical Washington politics and Illinois can't afford it any longer. That's why I refuse to take a dime from corporate special interests and their D.C. lobbyists and why I've proposed a bold, sweeping Wall Street reform plan. It's why it's so important to have Senators who will hold Wall Street accountable, not ones who will sit silently by and refuse to even have a debate on the most important consumer protection issue we've seen in a long time.
