Fleming Speaks Against Administration Policies


Congressman John Fleming addressed a crowd of local residents during a town hall meeting at the War Memorial Civic on Thursday.

Fleming spoke on issues in Washington he feels are a great concern for the American way of life.

He spoke against bailouts, the stimulus package, cap and trade and--the biggest issue discussed--health care.

"I stand on the [house] floor with crazy bills coming through," Fleming said. "I can't see how intelligent people can vote for these bills." He spoke of the corporate bailouts, stimulus and government takeovers.

He said the president warned that if the stimulus bill did not pass, unemployment would reach 8.5 percent, and we now have a 9.7 unemployment rate.

"A study was conducted to see if Americans felt the stimulus package created more jobs and 6 percent said yes," Fleming said. "Another study asked Americans if Elvis was still alive and 7 percent said yes.

According to Fleming, the so called cap-and-trade energy bill will place a tax on energy and put government in control of America's energy.

"The only test case we have for this measure is Spain," Fleming said. "Currently they have an unemployment rate of 20 percent, a 40 percent increase in utility bills and a non-existent manufacturing sector.

Health care was a hot topic in yesterday's meeting.

"My colleagues and I will work to first, take back congress in the November elections," Fleming said, "Second de-fund and unravel the current health care bill, and last, under the leadership of a new president repeal the legislation rammed through Congress."

Fleming warned that the Internal Revenue Service is hiring 16,500 new agents to make sure Americans have purchase a government approved plan or risk fines.

"I am pro-refrom," Fleming said. "I think we should do away with rejections of pre-existing conditions, allow portability, allow interstate trade and tort reform. I've submitted bills of this nature to Congress, but none have come to a vote. [The Health care bill] puts the government in the driver seat when you should be. Nothing in this bill does anything to control costs."

Fleming took questions and comments from the audience members.

One man said the he had access to Fleming's voting records and that he takes note when an issue comes up that will place more taxes on the people. According to him, Fleming votes no every time and he went on to say how much he appreciates what he is doing in Washington.

A lady in the crowd asked about a federal sales tax she heard about on a news station. Fleming elaborated that is was a value added tax that, according to him, other socialist countries use to fund their governments.

After the question and answer session Fleming met personally with attendees who wanted to speak to him.

"There was a good turnout today," Fleming said. "Now is an important time to see a good turnout."
