Steve Tarvin's Response on Passing of Health Care Bill


Date: March 22, 2010
Location: Chickamauga, GA

"Sadly, we're now getting the full picture of what Obama's "change" looks like," Steve Tarvin said this morning.

Tarvin, the most experienced business candidate for the 9th Congressional District, spoke of the "selling of America's future generations by the unprincipled liberals in Congress who caved in to the pressures of White House special interests."

"What we have witnessed during the past few days is Washington power politics at its very worst, ignoring the wishes of the people and selling out to the wishes of Nancy Pelosi and the White House. Let's take the power in Washington out of those hands and put it back into the hands of the people. I pledge to the people of North Georgia to do my very best to repeal this outlandish and unwanted intrusion into our lives," Tarvin continued.

"The historic maneuvering and back room deals late last night and this morning underscore the need for "real change" by sending home every person who voted for this government take-over of American's daily lives. America has said again and again that they did not want this healthcare plan," Tarvin said.

"It is indeed time for North Georgia to send a true businessman to Washington, who will stand up for principles established long ago by our nation's founders, that ours should be a government of, by, and FOR the people -- not for the special interests. We must get back to the principles of the Constitution and put the interests of the American people first."
