Abortion Recovery Awareness Month


Date: March 31, 2010
Issues: Abortion

Governor Perry has proclaimed April as Abortion Recovery Awareness Month, and I pledge my dedicated support for this effort.

There is no issue closer to my heart than protecting the sanctity of life. The lives lost to abortions are our lost hopes, our lost moments with family members, and the lost dreams of an entire generation. It is incumbent on us, whose parents saw our souls as lives to be lived rather than choices to be made, to work together to stop this regrettable, sorrowful and preventable loss.

As a doctor, I feel it's equally important to speak up for the women recovering from the pain and emotional suffering of abortion. Hope for Life Day, on the 18th of April, supports their recovery, encourages women to share their stories, and develops ways to end the pain of abortion.

Please join me in the month of April--and in particular on April 18--with your thoughts and prayers on God's beautiful gift of life.
