Aderholt "Extremely Pleased" That Nasa May Be Reconsidering Ending Constellation


Date: March 4, 2010
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Science

Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) made the following statement after learning that NASA may be considering a "Plan B" to the President's proposal to end Constellation. Congressman Aderholt serves on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, as a member of the Commerce, Justice and Science Subcommittee, which is responsible for funding NASA.

On February 24th, Congressman Aderholt pressed President Obama's top science and technology advisor, Dr. John P. Holdren, on the Administration's plan to end Constellation, during an Appropriations subcommittee hearing, pleading with him to scrap the plan to end Constellation and give NASA the appropriate funding to remain a world leader in human space flight.

"I am extremely pleased that NASA may be reconsidering the President's proposal to cancal human space flight. Since the President announced his Budget last month, I and many of my Republican and Democrat colleagues have expressed our disapproval of the plan, along with our desire in continuing with Constellation. But the fight is not over. I will continue to work on this because I believe that human spaceflight and exploration beyond earth is the very reason for NASA's existence."
