Letter To The Honorable Hilda Solis, Secretary, U.S. Department Of Labor


Date: Jan. 22, 2010
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Labor Unions

Grassley Urges Department of Labor to Act Quickly for Displaced Sioux City Workers

Senator Chuck Grassley today pushed Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to immediately consider any requests for assistance for workers who will be impacted by a recent announcement by Smithfield Foods to close the John Morrell pork slaughter and processing plant in Sioux City.

"It's important that we do everything possible to help these workers get back on their feet and find new jobs in Iowa. The loss of a job takes a tremendous financial and emotional toll on workers and their families, but we can take steps to help these people find new employment. The services and employment training provided by the Department of Labor and state workforce development offices will be critical in helping the affected workers successfully return to the workforce," Grassley said.

Here is a copy of the text of Grassley's letter to Solis.

January 22, 2010

The Honorable Hilda Solis


U.S. Department of Labor

200 Constitution Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20210

Dear Secretary Solis:

Earlier this week, Smithfield Foods announced the upcoming closure of the John Morrell pork slaughter and processing plant in Sioux City, Iowa. The plant closure, which will take place on April 20, will result in the loss of nearly 1,500 jobs.

This closure will have a serious impact on the economy of Sioux City. The John Morrell plant is one of the city's largest employers. While the city's unemployment rate remains just below 6 percent, this closure could push the unemployment rate above 7 percent. In addition, the closure will affect a number of secondary businesses, including trucking firms, cold storage and box manufacturing. Given the challenging economic climate, these 1,500 workers will require local, state and federal assistance to ease their transition and ensure a successful return to the workforce.

I'm writing to urge the Department of Labor to take quick action to assist the displaced workers and aid the efforts of economic development leaders and local officials in response to these closures. The Department of Labor should quickly consider all requests for assistance, including employment and training resources or a National Emergency Grant request to help workers and provide assistance to those displaced by this closure. The services and employment training provided by the Department of Labor will be critical in helping the affected workers get back on their feet and find suitable employment as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Charles E. Grassley

United States Senator
