Grassley Q&A: Character Counts!


Date: Oct. 23, 2009

Q: What is Character Counts!?
A: Character Counts! is an educational program that's available to help schools teach values and ethics to America's youth. Getting a well-rounded education involves more than learning to read, write and do arithmetic. Lessons learned at home and in the classroom also should help kids grow into responsible young adults and good citizens. I've visited schools where this program is working. That's why I served as a lead sponsor on recently passed legislation to designate October 18 -- 24 as National Character Counts Week.

Q: How does Character Counts! work?
A: The Character Counts! program isn't a separate course for students. Instead the program's principles are incorporated into the existing curriculum. Six Pillars of Character are the essence of the Character Counts! program. They are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. The pillars remind me of things I learned from my parents and school teachers as a young boy in New Hartford. Treat others with respect. Follow the Golden Rule. Use good manners. Be Kind. Be a good neighbor. Play by the rules, and so on. As Iowans, these things may seem second nature to us, but we can't afford to take teaching our kids to be good citizens for granted. Several Iowa school districts have used Character Counts! to incorporate these timeless values into the fabric of their curriculum. As well as Character Counts! may work, no program can ever replace the importance of what parents teach and encourage at home. That's why I vocally supported President Obama when he called on parents to take an active role in their children's education. He told parents to turn off the TV and read a book with their kids or help them with homework. Parents have to lead by example at home when it comes to character and values. For more information on how the Character Counts! program works, visit

Q: Why does teaching kids about character matter so much?
A: Character was extremely important to America's founding fathers as they laid the foundation for our nation. The father of the United States Constitution, James Madison, wrote, "to suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chimerical idea." Ben Franklin, when asked what the Constitutional Convention had produced, responded, "a republic, if you can keep it." A republic of free people depends on the character of its citizens. The values taught by Character Counts! in the classroom need to be reinforced at home and supported by the local community. That's the best guarantee of preserving liberty for future generations.
