Deeds Announces Formation of Sportsmen for Deeds

Press Release

Date: Oct. 1, 2009
Location: Roanoke, VA

~ Crumley: Creigh is "One of Us" ~

Sen. Creigh Deeds, the Democratic nominee for governor, announced the formation of Sportsmen for Deeds. Joined by fishing and game enthusiasts at Outfitter Tuff, a sportsman retail shop in Roanoke, Deeds spoke about his lifelong enjoyment of hunting and fishing and his commitment to preserving hunters' rights.

"As a legislator, I have always promoted responsible sportsmanship, consistently opposing bills that would have restricted the right to bear arms," Deeds said. "And in 2000, I wrote a bill that became an amendment to our state Constitution--a bill guaranteeing the right to hunt and fish for all Virginians. I believed--and still do--that this right is key to preserving a major part of our Commonwealth's culture, one that I am proud to be a part of."

Sportsmen for Deeds will be chaired by outdoor advocate Sherry Crumley. Crumley was the first female chairperson of the Virginia Board of Game and Inland Fisheries and still represents the 6th congressional district on the board. In addition, Crumley chaired Sportsmen for Warner in 2001 and 2008, sits on the National Rifle Association's Hunting and Wildlife Conservation committee and ran the campaign to pass the Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment to the Constitution of Virginia.

"Creigh understands hunting and fishing," said Sherry Crumley. "He is one of us, and we need him as our next governor."

Deeds was also joined by Democratic Party of Virginia Chairman Richard Cranwell and longtime Deeds supporter David "Mudcat" Saunders. Sportsmen for Deeds is committed to speaking to fellow sportsmen about Sen. Deeds' campaign for governor. They will undertake outreach to other sportsmen and talking to people about Deeds positions on the 2nd amendment and hunting and fishing.

