Cole Co-Sponsors Legislation To Halt ACORN's Federal Funding

Press Release

By: Tom Cole
By: Tom Cole
Date: Sept. 16, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) recently co-sponsored the "Defund ACORN Act." This legislation calls for the federal government to cut financial ties with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Cole has consistently condemned the housing association's abuses and wants the federal government to stop sending taxpayer dollars to ACORN and its affiliates.

"It defies common sense and common decency that an organization like ACORN receives any federal funding," Congressman Cole said. "The numerous incidents of voter registration fraud should have been enough to stop funding this criminal enterprise, but the recent video tape of ACORN employees making suggestions to a couple as to how they could better conceal and profit from an underage prostitution ring is simply too much. Federal funding for ACORN must stop immediately and permanently."
