Governor Celebrates Gas-to-Energy Facility

Press Release

Date: Sept. 17, 2009
Location: Norridegwock, ME

Governor John E. Baldacci participated in the ribbon cutting of the gas-to-electricity system at Waste Management's Crossroads Landfill. By using methane gas created through the decomposition of wastes, the facility will be able to generate enough electricity to power approximately 3,500 homes.

The Governor said he is pleased that Waste Management is working to complement the State's efforts to achieve energy self-sufficiency.

"This project is an important step in helping us achieve a number of goals we have in Maine: reducing harmful greenhouse gases; reducing our dependency on foreign oil; and building our economy. Maine is a leader in protecting our natural resources for future generations and protecting the health of our citizens, and we're putting our State on a path to energy independence and security," said the Governor.

The Governor and the Maine Legislature have set aggressive goals to move Maine on the path of energy independence.

"The State can't do it alone," said the Governor. "It will take the combined efforts of the public and private sectors to succeed, and that's why today is so important. Waste Management is taking steps to help us as we continue along our path to building our energy future together -- a future that is built upon clean, renewable, home-grown energy sources."
