Geographic Disparities

By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: July 8, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

GEOGRAPHIC DISPARITIES -- (House of Representatives - July 08, 2009)


Mr. WALZ. Mr. Speaker, the American people know very clearly that health care reform must happen, and it must happen now. They also know that it must transcend politics. This isn't a Republican or a Democratic issue. They know that crippling costs are hurting our families, hurting our businesses, and hurting our Nation. By the end of today, and the close of business in this House, 14,000 of our fellow citizens will lose their health care coverage.

Reforming health care must have at its base reforming how we do Medicare formulas. My home district is home to the Mayo Clinic. As you heard my colleague speak earlier, providing high-quality care at a low price is the hallmark of the Mayo Clinic. But because of the way Medicare payments are now figured today, the Mayo Clinic and others who provide high-quality care at low cost are penalized. We can change the mix in the index by making sure Medicare physician fee formulas measure quality.

I urge my colleagues, Republican and Democrats, to make this the hallmark. Make the Mayo model the model for this country, and we will get high-quality, low-cost care that will strengthen our Nation.

