Governor Baldacci Ceremonially Signs Environmental Legislation

Press Release

Date: June 22, 2009
Location: Augusta, ME
Issues: Environment

Governor Baldacci Ceremonially Signs Environmental Legislation

Governor John E. Baldacci today ceremonially signed two bills to improve Maine's environment and protect public health. LD 973, An Act To Provide for the Safe Collection and Recycling of Mercury-containing Lighting, and LD 1293, An Act To Require Citizen Notification of Pesticide Applications Using Aerial Spray or Air-carrier Application Equipment, were ceremonially signed in the Governor's Office with bill sponsor Rep. Seth Berry (D-Bowdoinham), other legislators and supporters present.

"These bills advance Maine's reputation for being at the forefront of environmentally conscious policies," Governor Baldacci said. "Together, these initiatives continue to ensure the health and safety of our people and vibrant natural resources."

LD 973 requires manufacturers to share the burden of ensuring proper disposal of compact fluorescent light bulbs. Manufacturers of bulbs that contain mercury will be required to implement a program for recycling the lamps from households by 2011.

LD 1293 requires land managers to notify abutters of the application of pesticides. People can also request to be on a registry of citizens who receive information on pesticide applications.

The bills go into effect Sept. 12, which is 90 days after the close of the legislative session.
