Governor Discusses Benefits of Transportation Investments

Press Release

Date: April 1, 2009
Location: Augusta, ME
Issues: Transportation

Governor Discusses Benefits of Transportation Investments

Governor John E. Baldacci today reiterated his support for transportation infrastructure investments. The Governor told organizations gathered for Transportation Day at the State House that the biggest challenges faced by businesses today are the cost of energy and the cost of transportation, and continued investments must be made in order to allow the State to grow beyond the global recession.

"If we don't invest in our roads, rails, ports and airports, businesses cannot efficiently get their goods to market," Governor Baldacci said. "We need to invest if we want to grow out of the recession. We need sound investments to ensure that businesses and people have the tools to be more successful to compete around the globe."

The Governor stressed the importance of the $143 million in Recovery Act funds for highways, bridges and transit, which are already putting people to work in Maine. He also advocated for his investment package, which was presented last month.

The Governor's $306 million investment package includes $75 million for highways and bridges, and another $53 million for rail, ports, transit and trails. The $75 million for roads and bridges will be matched by $90 million in federal funding. Governor Baldacci says the investments will not only help the State's transportation infrastructure, it will also invest in Maine people by putting them to work.

"This spring, summer and fall, we are going to put about 11,000 people to work on transportation projects," the Governor said. "And the State's investment package that I presented last month will create thousands of jobs over three years."

Governor Baldacci told the group that on Thursday Maine DOT will submit its biennial capital work plan for fiscal years 2010 - 2011 to the Transportation Committee and to the Maine Legislature. The work plan includes $809 million in capital projects and more than $61 million in transit operating support.

"The hundreds of projects included in this program will provide yet another major injection of money into our economy and more long-term benefits for our State," Governor Baldacci said. "The highway and bridge projects in this work plan alone can be expected to create or preserve more than 15,600 jobs. What Maine needs now is jobs. The Recovery funds, combined with my proposed investment package and the Maine DOT's biennial work plan will put people to work. That is the best way to begin stimulating our economy again."

Nearly 20 public and private transportation groups were at the State House for Transportation Day, which was sponsored by the Maine Better Transportation Association.
