Murphy Statement on Reversal in Federal Stem Cell Policy


Date: March 1, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Murphy Statement on Reversal in Federal Stem Cell Policy

Congressman Chris Murphy (CT-5) released the following statement as President Obama signed an executive order to lift former President Bush's restrictions on stem cell research.

"Eight years ago, President Bush shelved the volumes of science on the benefits of stem cell research, and put politics first by shutting off federal support for this life saving research.

"Meanwhile, in Connecticut, I led the effort to pass a $100 million investment over ten years into embryonic and adult stem cell research. While we led the nation in making this commitment, it was a bittersweet achievement because states like Connecticut shouldn't have been forced to jump through hoops to do this life-saving research.

"President Obama's action today puts us back on track to conduct ethical and medically justifiable stem cell research. Families and physicians who deal with baffling diseases, like Parkinson's, cancer, and diabetes, deserve the opportunity to ethically pursue treatments and cures without unwarranted political interference."
