Governor Receives Climate Change Report from University of Maine Scientists

Press Release

Date: Feb. 25, 2009
Location: Augusta, ME
Issues: Environment

Governor Receives Climate Change Report from University of Maine Scientists

Governor John E. Baldacci today received a detailed report on the effects of greenhouse gas and other pollutants on Maine's climate. The report: "Maine's Climate Future: An Initial Assessment," investigates the progression of climate change and its impact on the State of Maine. The Governor had requested the analysis from the University of Maine to assist his Administration and the Legislature in determining ways to address climate change now and into the future.

"It's abundantly clear that climate change has and will continue to have an enormous impact on Maine," said the Governor. "This report illustrates the many aspects of our daily life, including our environment and our economy, that are affected by greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants."

The Governor thanked Dr. George Jacobson and Dr. Ivan Fernandez of the University's Climate Change Institute for leading the team that developed the report. University of Maine scientists and others volunteered their time and expertise to produce the report. The University of Maine team noted that this initial assessment is designed to frame future investigations and policy discussions on strategies to address climate change and energy issues.

"Maine has already demonstrated leadership in this area, and I intend for us to continue to be a leader," said the Governor. "Maine State government has taken action to reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions, becoming the first state to purchase 100 percent of our electricity from zero-carbon, renewable resources. We were one of the first states to heat State buildings with biodiesel, and are a member of the nation's first cap-and-trade program designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are also continuing to promote energy efficiency and the development of our vast wind, solar and tidal power resources."

Governor Baldacci said that he is pleased that Maine now has a partner in Washington, D.C., who understands the importance of addressing climate change. He pledged to continue to work with the Obama Administration and the Maine Congressional Delegation to support development of clean, renewable energy, among other policies that will impact climate change.

"President Obama appreciates that investing in clean power is not only good for the environment, it is good for the economy," said the Governor. "The green economy will create good jobs in Maine and help wean us from imported fossil fuels."

The Governor said that while Maine must redouble its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we also must prepare for the changes that past emissions have already set in motion and that cannot be stopped. The Governor is directing State agencies to work closely with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection to help identify actions the State can take to get ready for a changed climate. Governor Baldacci also stated his support for Senator Simpson's legislation, LD 460, A Resolve to Evaluate Climate Change Adaptation Options for the State of Maine, and said that he will work for its passage.

For more information about the University of Maine's Climate Change Institute and to download the report, visit
