State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz Launches Campaign for Illinois' 5th Congressional District

Press Release

Date: Jan. 6, 2009
Location: Chicago, IL

State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz Launches Campaign for Illinois' 5th Congressional District

Near the Hollywood Park neighborhood where she grew up and was schooled by her mother to help others in need, State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz today announced her candidacy for Congresswoman of Illinois' 5th Congressional District.

Feigenholtz is a lifelong resident of the 5th District and has represented part of the region for the past 14 years as a member of the Illinois House. She has a proud record of bringing Republicans and Democrats together to successfully pass legislation that has expanded health care to working families, increased funding for stem cell research and mammograms, reformed Illinois' child welfare system and provided women with equal pay for equal work.

Surrounded by several dozen friends, supporters and community activists, Sara outlined her commitment to bring people together to get things done for families in Washington, as she has done time and time again as a legislator in Springfield. She praised her mother, a doctor during a time when few women were accepted as physicians at hospitals, who inspired her to pursue public service.

When Sara was a child, a young father brought his sick child over to her home as her family was eating dinner. She recalled how her mother cleared out the kitchen and made room on the kitchen table to examine the child, whose father had nowhere else to turn for help. Her mother simply believed that everyone had a right to health care, even if they couldn't pay.

"My mother was a public servant, even though she never held political office. And I learned the essence of true public service from her," said Feigenholtz. "Those are the values I've embraced as a state representative in Springfield. Those are the values I'll take with me to Washington, D.C. as the next Member of Congress from the Fifth District of Illinois."

During the 14 years Sara has spent as a legislator, she has avoided the gamesmanship and politics in Springfield in order to build and support legislation that has made a difference in the lives of people throughout her district and in Illinois. That's the course she intends to pursue in Washington.

"It's time to abandon old ideas and models that simply haven't worked and pursue a new agenda that squarely addresses the everyday challenges facing so many people and families today," said Feigenholtz. "That's the ONLY agenda I've been pursuing in Springfield. And I'm proud that I've made a difference in the lives of children and families across our state."

She was the chief sponsor of the law promoting stem cell research in Illinois, to help find cures for juvenile diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. She passed the law that requires insurance companies to cover routine mammograms and another that extends health insurance coverage requirements to family planning services. She worked to pass Illinois Equal Pay for Equal Work law and worked with her then colleague, Barack Obama, to provide uninsured working parents throughout Illinois with health care they couldn't otherwise afford.

As Congresswoman of Illinois 5th District, Sara said one of her first orders of business will be to help President-Elect Obama implement his economic recovery plan so we can begin to put millions of people back to work. In doing so, she said that she will work with the President-Elect to help him pass the legislation needed to invest in our infrastructure, including roads, bridges and high-speed Internet lines as well as our human infrastructure - health clinics and daycare centers, in-home health care and Meals on Wheels programs, all of which are stretched to the limit during these tough times.

"The fact is that millions of families across our country are struggling. I see them every day. These families don't have to read the newspaper to know that Illinois has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. They're living it," said Feigenholtz. "I'm asking for your support so I can go to Congress on behalf of the people of the Fifth Congressional District and help President Obama bring the change this country so desperately needs."

"And just like you came to believe in the "skinny kid with a funny name," I'm asking you to believe in the girl from right here in Hollywood Park who tagged along with her mother on medical rounds and house calls."

Sara's campaign recently announced that she has already raised over $300,000 from more than 500 donors for her campaign for Congress, far surpassing others seeking this seat. Moving on this grassroots momentum, Sara plans to continue building her network of volunteers and supporters to help get out the vote for her campaign as Election Day nears.

Yesterday, the date for the Primary Election was set for March 3rd and the General Election was set for April 7th.
