Governor Signs Supplemental Budget

Press Release

Date: Jan. 29, 2009
Location: Augusta, ME

Governor Signs Supplemental Budget

Praises Legislature on Quick, Bipartisan, Decisive Action

Governor John E. Baldacci today signed the Fiscal Year 2009 Supplemental Budget, LD 45, surrounded by a bipartisan group of legislators. The Supplemental Budget brings the budget into balance through June 30, 2009. It offsets the $166 million gap between projected revenues and expenditures through targeted cuts and use of State reserves.

The Governor praised Legislators, especially leadership and the members of the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee, for their thorough and expeditious handling of the Supplemental Budget.

"Maine people should be proud of the way their legislators came together to balance the State's budget during this critical time," said Governor Baldacci. "The true test of leadership comes during hard times. The national recession demands that we reduce State spending, avoid income and sales tax increases, and protect core government functions. Passage of the Supplemental Budget is one more step in our sustained response."

The Governor said that attention now turns to continued work on the Biennial Budget, which brings spending into line with revenues for the Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011.

"I know the decisions that you made in considering the Supplemental Budget were not easy, and we have further challenges awaiting us with the Biennial Budget," said the Governor. "Hardworking Maine families and businesses are looking to us to do our part to lay the foundation for future economic growth and not add to their present burdens. We still have much work to do, and it will require all of us working together to get it done."
