Governor's Statement on Bill Introduced to Allow Gay Marriages


Date: Jan. 13, 2009
Location: Augusta, ME
Issues: Marriage

Governor's Statement on Bill Introduced to Allow Gay Marriages

Governor John E. Baldacci today released the following statement after the introduction of "An Act to End Discrimination in Civil Marriages and Affirm Religious Freedom."

"In the past, I have opposed gay marriage while supporting the idea of civil unions," Governor Baldacci said. "I have been a tireless defender of equal opportunity and have fought to end discrimination in employment, housing and throughout society. Unfortunately, there is no question that gay and lesbian people and their families still face discrimination."

"This debate is extremely personal for many people, and it's an issue that I struggle with trying to find the best path forward."

"Right now, I'm focused on creating jobs and doing what I can to help our economy recovery from an unprecedented recession. We cannot allow ourselves to be divided or turned against one another during this crisis."

"As the debate about marriage progresses, it's my hope that we can have a thoughtful conversation that considers all sides of the issue."

"I spoke with Sen. Damon yesterday about his legislation, and I told him I would listen to what he has to say, and I will listen as the people of Maine join in this conversation."

"I'm not prepared to say I support gay marriage today, but I will consider what I hear as the Legislature works to find the best way to address discrimination."
