Issue Position: Your Interests. Not Special Interests

Issue Position

Your Interests. Not Special Interests

The Bush Administration has failed America. Our government appears to be broken, and our nation moving in the wrong direction. But we can change Washington if our elected officials are not beholden to lobbyists and powerful interests. Now, more than ever, we need representatives in Congress who are committed to changing the direction of our country, including standing up to leaders of their own Party when those powerful special interests drown out doing what is right for the people. We need members of Congress who will stand up for the people's interests over powerful special interests.

People are now paying more for everything from energy to food, while wages have remained stagnant. We live in the richest country in the world, yet 47 million Americans lack health insurance and millions more are underinsured. We are still in Iraq, fighting a war that never should have been started. Big Oil has been allowed to go unchallenged, and gas is approaching $5 per gallon.

This occurred because, in Washington, as in Albany, lobbyists are writing the laws. Their influence has affected nearly every piece of legislation that is introduced and considered. Special interests have stalled attempts to enact a universal single-payer national health insurance system, known as "Medicare for All." Their powerful grip on the system has shut down attempts to crack down on energy speculators, and stymied any effort to impose a Windfall Profits Tax on big oil companies to end gouging at the pump.
