Lucas Statement on USDA Decision to Grant Emergency Haying on CRP Land to Most Oklahoma Counties


Date: Aug. 6, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Lucas Statement on USDA Decision to Grant Emergency Haying on CRP Land to Most Oklahoma Counties

Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it would allow emergency haying on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands in most Oklahoma counties. Last month, USDA released CRP lands for haying and grazing in Cimarron, Texas, and Beaver, however only allowed grazing in all remaining Oklahoma counties, except three which were completely excluded.

The Conservation Reserve Program establishes a ten year lease between the government and farmers and ranchers who own environmentally sensitive land, prohibiting the owners from using the land in exchange for a rental fee paid by the government. Under current USDA policy, the Secretary of Agriculture may release CRP land for haying and grazing if the owner returns 25% of the rental fee. Earlier this week, USDA reduced the cost to use CRP from the standard 25% to 10% in Cimarron, Texas, and Beaver counties.

"I applaud Secretary Schafer's decision to allow both haying and grazing in all but three Oklahoma counties," stated Lucas. "I have been working closely with USDA to ensure that farmers and ranchers in Oklahoma receive as much support from the federal government as is available to help them through one of the worst droughts since the Dust Bowl. However, I am very disappointed that all counties who have been granted emergency haying and grazing have not also had the usage fee reduced to 10%. I will continue to work with USDA on this issue."
