Here in Denver It's Been a Mile-High Week

Date: Aug. 28, 2008
Location: Denver, CO

Here in Denver It's Been a Mile-High Week

Here in Denver it's been a mile-high week. On behalf of the people of Denver, we're honored that it was our hometown where we nominated the next President of the United States, Barack Obama!

When Dr. King spoke 45 years ago today he said, "We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream." During eight years of George Bush, we haven't seen much justice rolling out of Washington. And we say today, we will not be satisfied with four more years of the same under John McCain.

Here in Denver when Susan Molina, a janitor who lost her health insurance, has to take her little boy to the emergency room for an ear infection. I ask you, is that just? No. When 15-year-old Sam Beerman and his parents have to spend every day treating his diabetes and worrying about his future, while a cure from stem cell research slips farther away because of President Bush's restriction—is that just? No.

When a soldier back home from serving in Iraq cannot get mental health treatment because of a poorly funded VA—is that just? No, it is not just. It is manifestly unjust.

And to realize the change we need—the just society we seek—we need a new spirit in Washington. We need to elect Barack Obama. We need to stop paying lip service to health-care reform and pass it. We need to reverse the Bush restrictions on stem cell research and pursue bold initiatives, with strict ethical standards, that save lives.

We need to protect a woman's right to choose and access to affordable family planning and health care for everyone. And we must stop talking about ending the war in Iraq and just do it—do it responsibly and bring our troops home.

In Barack Obama, we have the extraordinary opportunity to elect an extraordinary president. A president who will fight to right the wrongs. A president who challenges every American to be their brother's keeper, their sister's keeper.
