Issue Position: Transforming Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Gayle believes that we must transform our current healthcare system into a 21st century system that empowers and incentivizes individuals, improves outcomes, increases access and decreases costs.

It is estimated that healthcare costs will grow from almost 14 % of our economy to over 21 % in a few years as "baby boomers" enter the Medicare system and as technology continues to grow. The current complex, bureaucratic system will overwhelm the budget if significant changes are not made. This is truly the "800 pound gorilla" in the room that no one wants to talk about and is the most important domestic policy issue that must be addressed.

*Gayle believes that we must create an intelligent 21st century system healthcare system by putting the patient in control of his/her healthcare.
The system must focus on wellness, early detection and prevention.

*Financial incentives and appropriate information about cost, quality and choices must be provided to patients to empower them to make smart decisions.

*Electronic health records and 21st century health information technology are a key to reducing costs and improving outcomes.

*Tort reform is a must. It would be the single greatest cost saver to our health care system.

*Fraud in the system is rampant and must and can be addressed at both the state and federal level.

*"Obama-Care" will add almost 2 million new Medicaid patients to Florida Medicaid. This has the potential to add 3-4 Billion dollars to the state budget each year. The State of Florida already spends more money each year on Medicaid than the State of Florida spends on Kindergarden through 12th grade education. This would produce a severe crisis in the State of Florida budget.

*Health care insurance should be able to be purchases across state borders. This single law would open the health care insurance market up to hundreds of competors in this market and decrease the cost of health care insurance.

*Tax law must be changed to allow individuals to write off the expense of their payments for health care insurance on their federal taxes just like companies do now.

*Health Departments and Federally Qualified Health Centers should be funded adequately to be open nights and weekends to take care of uninsured or poorly insured citizens.

*"Obama-Care" plans to cut 500 Billion dollars from the Medicare budget while adding 77 million baby-boomers to the Medicare rolls. This can not be done without cutting services to the Medicare patients.

*The lowering of the amount of money an individual can put into a Medical Savings Account from $5,000 to $ 2,500 essentially makes these accounts non-functional. Medical Savings Accounts are the only plans that puts the patient back in control of their own health care.

Harrell Record

*Gayle has served as Chair of three healthcare committees and was a leader in health policy during her eight years in the Florida House of Representatives. She is again involved in health care legislation since her election in 2010.

*Has worked very closely with Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Center for Health Transformation to implement bold new ideas for Florida in healthcare policy.

*Served as one of the key architects of Medicaid Reform in Florida.

*Passed legislation to bring an open heart facility to Martin County and expand the number of beds for St. Lucie County hospitals.

*Sponsored legislation to promote e-prescribing and electronic health records. She currently serves as one of 20 advisors in the United States on these subjects. See her Curriculum Vitae.

*Supports tax exemptions for individual health insurance policies not just for employer based health insurance.

*Supports expansion of Health Savings Accounts to put patients in control of their healthcare. These will be minimized by "Obama-Care".

*Any expansion of scope of practice issues is contingent upon graduation from medical school and appropriate training. Nurse practitioners are a welcomed addition to the health care system as long as they are supervised by a physician.
