
Date: July 9, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Abortion

ABORTION -- (House of Representatives - July 09, 2008)


Mrs. SCHMIDT. Could you both yield on that? Because I do want to talk about that.

This is something that's happened in my district at least on two occasions. You know, in 1997 it came to light the title X grantees were not reporting rape, incest, sexual abuse, child abuse, and molestations. In response, Congress rightfully included language in the 1999 Labor HHS bill to appropriately clarify that title X grantees are not exempt from State reporting laws. I only wish that Cincinnati Planned Parenthood was doing this because let me tell you what is going on there.

Cincinnati Inquire on May 10 of last year reported an incident of two young ladies who were victims of sexual abuse, and I would like to talk about the kind of sexual abuse these ladies incurred.

The first one was a young lady who was continually molested by her father. The abuse began when she was just 13 years of age. In November of 2004, she was forced by her father to have an abortion. She told the employees at Planned Parenthood that she was being forced to have sex and do things she didn't want to do. But despite this fact, no report was made. She was sent home to endure another year-and-a-half of sexual abuse. The abuse only ended when she told a school official what was going on at home.

Thankfully, because of our wonderful prosecutor in Warren County, her father is now serving hard time in prison. Not long enough, but what the law allows him to serve.

She has filed a civil case against Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately, even if her allegations are proved true, no financial reward can bring back the extra year-and-a-half of absolute abuse she had because Planned Parenthood looked the other way and failed to follow Ohio's law.

But that's not the end of the story.

In another case, a 14-year-old girl was taken by her 21-year-old soccer coach to have an abortion. She allegedly used her junior high school ID, and her abuser paid for the procedure with a credit card and driver's license and said he was her guardian. The abuse was never reported.

According to the same Inquire story regarding the second case I mentioned, a form filled out by Planned Parenthood said, The patient reports pregnancy is a result of sexual assault by a stranger. After consultation with an attorney, report of a crime to the police was not made due to physician-patient privilege. We are prohibited from reporting as no severe bodily injury was reported. What about the mental injury, the mental abuse that this girl suffered?

You know what happened? A year later, I think it was a year later, some time later, she was back at the doctor with her parents, and the doctor said, Do you know your daughter had an abortion? That's how the parents found out she had an abortion, and she fessed up it was the soccer coach.

The young lady's attorney said that the prosecutors in four local counties know of no such exemption to the reporting issue, and it isn't in Ohio.

You know, we're giving this organization money, and this organization is forcing these young women to have abuse.

I would like somebody else to continue with this colloquy because I think this is a very serious issue.

