A Great Time to See Nebraska


Date: June 15, 2008

A Great Time to See Nebraska

As gas prices continue to hit families in their pocketbooks and airfares head higher and higher, a new trend has started to emerge. More and more Americans are choosing to stay closer to home instead of the traditional vacations to destinations out of state or out of the country.

With the official arrival of summer, it's a good time to encourage Nebraskans to get out and about and enjoy the great outdoors, especially with the numerous destinations available within a day's drive for those of us lucky enough to live in the Third District. With Nebraska having been named the second least expensive state to take a vacation in 2008, according to the AAA, you will definitely get much more than you pay for.

The Great Platte River Road Archway spans the width of Interstate 80 near Kearney. The Archway is built on the historic site of Fort Kearney, where travelers on the Oregon Trail would rest before they entered the wilderness of the plains. It boasts stunning audio and visual effects and a truly educational experience.

Further west along the trail, Chimney Rock can be seen towering above of the North Platte River Valley. This 300 foot-tall rock formation served as a guidepost to travelers and has since become a symbol of American Western Expansion. I have to admit I'm a little biased, as I grew up in the shadow of Chimney Rock and Scotts Bluff National Monument.

The Niobrara River is known nationally as a top spot for nature enthusiasts. Visitors will have an incredible experience as they travel past waterfalls, canyons and cliffs, and other wonders of nature.

North Platte is home to the recently opened Golden Spike Tower and Visitors Center, a tribute to the rail road and its impact on America.

Embarking on a vacation here in Nebraska can be fun and educational. But getting off the couch and getting into nature has positive health benefits, also. Unfortunately, as a society, Americans don't get out and enjoy the outdoors they way they used to. Recent studies show in the last 20 years participation in traditional outdoor activities has declined nearly 25 percent. Camping, hunting, and fishing are all down significantly, as are visits to national and state parks.

The fact of the matter is we should all emphasize the importance of healthier living. This could be as simple as going for walk in the local park, or loading up the kids and spending the day at Lake McConaughy. We could all use a little outdoors time - myself included.

By focusing on more physical activity versus staying at home, we can create a healthier environment for ourselves and our children. The health risks associated with obesity are well-documented. By turning off the television and enjoying the great outdoors we can save energy and live healthier lives at the same time.

We are becoming too accustomed to our couches and a sedentary lifestyle revolving around television and video games. The result is un healthy children and adults. It's simple, really: being active means healthier, happier kids and parents.

I have been lucky to have the opportunity to truly appreciate the spectacular sights and experiences in Nebraska in my travels throughout the state. For more information about quick trips and memories which will last a lifetime, go to www.visitnebraska.org.

This summer, though fuel prices may tempt us to stay inside, let's get off the couch and truly appreciate Nebraska. We will help our local economies, save at the pump, and at the same time encourage a healthy, active lifestyle.
