The Honorable Senator Donzella James


The Honorable Senator Donzella James

Due to the lack of service in our community and recent integrity issues faced by our current Congressman, I've been asked to run for office in the 13th Congressional district by many dissatisfied members of our community.

I am asking you to join me in making our campaign "Bringing Service and Integrity back!" a success.

Our campaign is off to a great start. I'm very encouraged by the excitement that is being generated in our community in support of our campaign.

I'm much honored to have received the endorsements of several key local leaders and elected officials.

However, I need your partnership to continue to build momentum. It is critical that we raise $200,000.00 by May 30, 2008. Your financial contribution by May 30, 2008 of any amount you can afford up to $2,300.00 will be crucial to the success of our campaign.

As a former member of the Georgia State Senate, I served as distinguish Chair of the Interstate Cooperation Committee; Vice Chair of the State and Local Government Operations; member of the Appropriations and Agriculture Committee and Vice Chair of the Veterans and Consumer Affairs Committee.

On July 15, 2008, you have the opportunity to allow me to continue to represent citizens of the State of Georgia in an even greater way by electing me to the U.S. Congress to represent the 13th Congressional District.

Over the years I have dedicated my life to fighting for many of the issues important to all of us. Issues such as: ending domestic violence; strengthening DUI laws; making health care affordable; making quality education accessible; creating new jobs; pay equity for women, law enforcement, teachers, and firemen; and reducing gang violence in our community.

As a leader in the Georgia State Senate for many years I have a track record of being decisive, dynamic, and community focused. I intend to bring this same energy to represent you in Congress. I will fight to make sure the long ignored issues facing our families, community, and schools are addressed and that the state of Georgia, particularly District 13 residents receive their fair share of our national resources.

I invite you to review my enclosed biography and accomplishments'.

Once again, please consider helping our campaign by giving your financial support, ideas, and good name to our campaign.

Your partnership is essential to the success of our campaign.


Donzella James
